Task 6: Did I learned something about myself?

After I did all the tests and questionnaires I found some things that caught my attention and others that I was expecting. In the case of the multiple intelligences, I scored 5 in my top 3 and that was a surprise. In the first place, I have musical which in other tests I have it in a minor position, in the second place I have intrapersonal and it is true because after a long time in therapy I could finally truly love myself, therefore, I could understand everything that happens in my mind and body, that means that I can communicate my feelings to a different person too. And finally, in the third-place I have verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical and interpersonal, the only here that catches my attention was logical/mathematical because I have never been a fan of maths and abstract things, but it is true that I like to talk about a lot of things like philosophers.

In the case of my learning style survey, my results were the one I was expecting because I know me and that survey got right. I am multimodal because I scored almost the same points in visual, auditory and kinesthetic. I am an introverted person but I had a lot of an extroverted person, and I had only 4 points difference. I am concrete-sequential and closure-oriented. The parts that caught my attention was part 5 and 6 in which I had a tie in both categories and I never thought that could happen in this test, that means that I am equally global and particular, and synthesizing and analytic. I discovered that I like to notice the big idea and then I pay attention to the details and I have always thought that was backward, and I have learned to be an impulsive learner because in order to improve your English skills you have to take risks and just do it, in the past I rarely took risks but nowadays I can speak in English without the fear to make any mistakes.

Finally, in the Vark Questionnaire, I obtained a learning preference “multimodal” and I agree with that, it depends on the subject the way that is more comfortable for me to study it. In the case of English class I do colorful notes, I talk with my classmates or alone and I like to study while I am in movement. The way in which I enjoy the most studying is to make colorful notes and teaching myself aloud, it really helps me to understand something in a better way.

Task 1: The reasons that motivated me to study English and Pedagogy

I have always had in my heart the idea of becoming a teacher. When I started at school I realized that teaching was something that I really wanted to do. I spent all of my childhood playings in my free time like I was a teacher, I even made lists of imaginary students and of course, I made classes to my cousin too. Despite all of that English Pedagogy wasn't my first option to enter at University due to one of my aunts who said that teaching wasn't the best idea since she thought I would die of hungry because here in Chile teaching is not well-paid, I was 7 or 8 years old and that destroyed my dream. Now, I know that I shouldn't have listened to her, but anyway I continued looking for a course of studies that can feel my family proud of me, because the opinion of them was, at that time, very important for me. I discovered Occupational Therapy and I studied that for over a year and a half until I decided that I wanted to be truly happy. That was the first empowering moment in my life because I didn't listen to anyone and I started studying English Pedagogy and it has been one of the best decisions in my life.

At school my best subject always was English, I remember that thanks to one of my aunts, who is an English-Spanish translator, I watched a lot of movies and series in English because she loves to be in touch with her second language and I have always loved listening to music in English too, so it was really easy for me to be good at the subject. That encouraged me to decide that I wanted to be an English teacher. Besides that, English is an incredible tool in the case of I want to travel overseas, my aunt had traveled many times to different parts in the world and I really want a life like the life she has.

 Nowadays I'm every day more in love with my course of studies and it is not a secret that I want to teach all my life because, for me, teaching is the most rewarding job ever.