Task 3: Teaching philosophy

Personally, for me, to be an effective second language teacher means to do a good job inside the classroom and outside of it. I refer to be a teacher who is concern about their students’ needs and the potentials to learn a second language. A teacher who can make his or her students fall in love with the new language and they want to learn more and more, on their own in their free time. Nevertheless, I am not talking of a teacher who can make their students dominate perfectly the second language, on the contrary, I prefer a teacher who can make their students enjoy this new language and use their hobbies to teach them. All this can make a difference because this would give the students significant learning instead of only use memorization.

I have learned during this course of studies that a second language is acquired through input, this means that is acquired thanks to a certain closeness to the new language, the more they spend exposed to the language, the better. In addition to that, I would say that is important to provide a lot of input in an English class due to children would learn more. Of course, we, as teachers, have to captivate the attention of our students in order to have the opportunity to want to learn on their own at home. Therefore, with enough input during classes and what they do on their own either their hobbies are, the students will be successfully taught and they will have a little effort to study it because they will enjoy learning a second language.

As I said before, the input is very important when we want to teach a new language. So for me, a second language should be taught with a lot of it. This means that is important to provide the students with a lot of listening, reading and speaking activities, instead of using the only memorization of the rules of the new language and just vocabulary. What people need to learn a second language is practice so teachers should give a lot of material, and of course that the focus must be in the different ways in which the students learn, that is the only way in which every student could have access to significant learning.

I think that the most important factors in learning another language are self-confidence, motivation, a good teacher and practice. We, as learners, need enough self-confidence to avoid the embarrassment of speaking a new language aloud, this is directly connected with the practice I mentioned before because we need a lot of practice to acquire the second language in a successful way and self-confidence with help us to talk and practice with other people in a confident way, without any fear of make mistakes. Another important factor is to have a good teacher who can captivate your attention in every class and make you feel motivated to learn another language. It is known that motivation is the guide we follow to reach any goal or purpose we have in life.

The teacher should be someone who provides enough motivation for his or her students so they want to learn a second language. He or she should be someone close to his or her students since, in that way, students will feel free to ask any doubt that they could have without feeling stupid or something. It is really common in students to feel afraid to ask for doubts because of the kind of teacher they have, I truly believe that with a good teacher you, as a student, will feel comfortable and that will help your learning.

I believe that a teacher should provide as much learning experiences as she or he can owing to that everything could be necessary, and every student learns differently.

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